Let's reminisce - Louisa & Stevie's Winter 2019 Wedding


I feel like reminiscing today, back to when weddings were ‘normal’ & before we were living in a Global Pandemic. I have chosen Louisa & Stevie’s wedding at Chalk, as it was one of the last weddings I photographed in 2019, & little did I know then that it would be one of the last ‘normal’ ones for a while. Not only that, it was the most emotional wedding I have ever attended due to personal reasons within the Brides family. So much so, I got home & just burst into tears to Rob. They were actually due to marry in May 2020, but had to bring it forward for their reasons & to make sure everyone they wanted there, could be there…

I am so glad especially for them, that they did this. For obvious reasons being that it would not have happened at all due to the current pandemic, & more importantly the reasons of their own.

They were the most wonderful couple to photograph, so humble & lovely, surrounded by amazing family & friends. Something we have greatly missed this passed year. This wedding also proved yet again that although it was in the middle of December, they were blessed with the most beautiful light! Freezing - yes, but they had an epic golden hour!

I am so thankful I was able to be there for them on their beautiful day & it will be a wedding that will always have a special place in my heart.

I will leave you now to enjoy their lovely faces…