Goodbye 2021 & HELLO to my busiest year EVER...



Firstly, I CANNOT believe I am writing my first blog since May. I used to blog every couple of months, maybe more, but I guess COVID has impacted us all & our priorities have changed. I actually think I said exactly the same thing this time last year on my end of year blog, so my New Years Resolution is to try & be more original!

2021 has been crazy, mainly due to so many postponements, & my focus was to stay on top of my editing & also take time out for me - which is what I have struggled with for years. So I guess this meant my blog had to be neglected. I knew going from nothing, then back to being a full time wedding photographer would be a shock to the system, & I know that if I hadn’t kept on top of the workload I would have become very stressed.

I have photographed so many beautiful weddings & families this year. I think the break away from it all made me love my job even more, & I am so thankful for that. It has also shone a light on the importance of my job & just how precious photographs with your loved ones are, even more so now than ever. Although this year has been a difficult one for many & many business’ have been severely impacted, I do feel very lucky that I was able to get back to work & meet amazing people. Honestly, my couples this year have been so lovely & made me feel so appreciated, which means everything. I have a lot to be grateful for.

Moving into 2022 can only be described as ‘the calm before the storm’, for me. I don’t mean that negatively, it’s just, I have 39 weddings next year - my most EVER, & if you know, you know that’s A LOT, taking into consideration the editing & other shoots I also do. So although the pandemic has let off a lot of fireworks in my diary, I am so grateful I am still able to photograph all of these weddings & that I have been chosen by so many couples. So whilst I know I am going to get stressed & overwhelmed, I am also going to take time to step away & be proud.

I guess I will see you on the other side, although I do hope to be blogging more! So you never know, maybe I will manage it throughout the madness.

For now I am leaving you with some of the wonderful faces & places I have photographed this year.


Jessica x