I have a new advert!

Hurrah! My new advert is finally finished. I am very lucky that Rob is a film-maker & can help me create things like this. We have been filming snippets in-between a very busy wedding season, but unfortunately on my 'days off' I couldn't bring myself to sit in front of a camera so it has taken longer than I thought. However I am so happy with the end result & it was worth the wait.

I wanted to show people what it would be like to be photographed by me & ultimately show them what I am like as a person! As I always say it's so important to meet / Skype couples before going ahead & taking the booking for their wedding, however sometimes with my busy schedule it's really hard to try & find a mutual time. This video gives a little glimpse for the couples before they decide to go further. They may watch & think "definitely not for me" or "she's the one" - this links into one of my previous blogs about 'Choosing Your Photographer' & attracting your perfect client.

I shall let the video do the rest of the talking. Thank you to my lovely Rob for making this for me. You can see more of his work here: www.fuzfilms.com