New Website Launch!

Well hello! If you are reading this blog then you have obviously seen my new website which has gone live today. I couldn't be more excited and happy to finally have this complete after what has been a very hectic few months. Working alongside graphic designer Louise Ross, owner of The Autumn Rabbit, to get my website up and running in the middle of wedding season has meant me not really having a life - but I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel! 

I only launched my previous website a year ago, but one which I had designed myself. I knew this time round I really needed a professional eye to guide me in the right direction and after having a busy year I am a lot clearer about where I am and where I am heading. I have grown a great deal therefore my website needs to grow with me! I am certainly going to be blogging a lot more as I love the new layout! 

Please click around and browse the new galleries, and thank you so much for taking the time to visit.

Jessica x